12 ноября в трапезной Собора Святого Ионна Предтечи прошло памятное мероприятие — концерт, посвященный величайшей трагедии в истории России — 100-ю революции. На концерте о.Григорий Трубецкой и Лиза Зеленская комментировали слайды о ключевых событиях до и после 1917 года.
Самый трогательный момент мероприятия была «перекличка» о зверски замученных священнослужителях. Все собравшиеся в глубокой тишине слушали имена новомученников, многие не скрывали слез. Скауты красиво исполняли песни «Коль дивен наш Господь» на музыку Дмитрия Бортнянского, марш Алексеевского полка и другие.
Несмотря на разные мнения в современном обществе о виновных и причинах тех событий, все едины в одном — расстрел царский семьи является главным символом трагедии столетней давности. Подлинной жемчужиной концерта стало выступление танцевального коллектива «Матрёшки». Его участницы Елена и Екатерина Форрест, Анна Вайс, Маргарита Корсакова, Прасковья Вилсон исполнили нежный и душевный танец «Предчувствие», поставленный Олимджоном Бекназаровым, который изобразил мир и волнение царской семьи. Девушки были в прекрасных бело-розовых платьях. В первой части танца царица Александра читает Евангелие, пока дочери, великие княжны, беззаботно танцуют и радуются. Потом царица снимает мантию, напоминая зрителям о добровольном отречении царя от престола. Заканчивается танец единением семьи: царица по-матерински покрывает дочерей своей мантией, оберегая от надвигающейся беды.
Ярослава Кузина, Маргарита Корсакова, Прасковья Вилсон и Дарья Грипас прочитали стих-молитву, посвященную св. страстотерпице Великой Княжне Ольге Романовой, стихотворение Тэффи (Надежды Лохвицкой) «У карты России», пророческое стихотворение М.Ю. Лермонтова «Предсказание» и отрывки из поэмы «Реквием» Анны Ахматовой.
В заключении настоятель храма о. Виктор Потапов, говоря о духовных причинах произошедших событий, процитировал слова И.А.Ильина о том, что основной причиной революции стала утрата истинной веры в Бога; люди создали как бы новую веру, цель которой была создание нового государства по западным моделям, забыв о внутреннем развитии. Концерт закончился песней «Господи, помилуй», исполненной Николаем Маунтсом, участником коллектива «Матрёшки», которая вселяет надежду о духовном возрождении России.
— Дарья Грипас
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas
Concert to commemorate the centennial of the tragic events of 1917 at St. John The Baptist Cathedral in Washington, November 12, 2017. Photo by Yuri Gripas